January 16, 1804
12.41% Complete
Aug 30, 1803 Sep 30, 1806

January 16, 1804


Monday 16 Jany:    this Morning Maj. R [Rumsey] observed that he brought 2 trunks of Goods, and asked pirmition to Sell them to the Citizen for Provisions, and the mens Coon Skins, I accented to the plan, and agreed he might untill other arrangements, after the arrival of Capt Lewis—    I settled with the Contractor for what has been furnished to this day and find him Due the Party 30 gills of whiskey which he payd,— and 750 rats. [rations] of Soap Candles & vinager, for which he gave his Due bills, the Party made up a Shooting match, with the Country people for a pr. [pair of] Leagens, Reuben Fields made the best Shot, next one Wist [Windsor or Wiser?] & the 3 & 4 was Shields R, F[razer?] [1]    Colter Gibson &, Mr. Prior returned at 8 oClock in the evening with a letter from Capt. Lewis [2] (Lent Colter 3/—lent George 3/—) and one from Louisville & 3 newspapers which Capt. Lewis had Sent me—    also a file & 3 plain bits [3]

1. Probably Robert Frazer, since Reubin Field was already mentioned. Near this part of the sheet are some numbers, which appear to be the following:   47
2. The cover for this letter may have been document 29 in the Field Notes. See July 8, 1804. (back)
3. This entry and part of the next are much overwritten with lists and figures in the lower right-hand corner of the sheet. They appear to be the following words, written in a column: Provision, Whiskey M[an?], my St [letters unclear], my Helth, The Mens [cmpt.?], whip saw file, R Fields, Hays Papers, maps, 2 3, [Bits?]. Cf. Osgood (FN), 18 n. 5. (back)