November 18, 1804
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November 18, 1804


a Cold morning    Some wind    the Black Cat, Chief of the Mandans Came to See us, he made Great inquiries respecting our fashions.    he also Stated the Situation of their nation, he mentioned that a Council had been held the day before and it was thought advisable to put up with the resent insults of the Ossiniboins & Christonoes untill they were Convinced that what had been told thim by us, 〈untill〉    Mr. Evins had deceived them & we might also, he promised to return & furnish them with guns & amunitiion, we advised them to remain at peace & that they might depend upon Getting Supplies through the Channel of the Missouri, but it requred time to put the trade in opperation. The Assiniboins &c have the trade of those nations in their power and treat them badly as the Soux does the Ricarees and they cannot resent for fear of loseing their trade &. [1]


Sunday 18th Nov.    clear & cold.    we raised the roof of the meat & Smoak house bringing it up with Timber cross drawing in, So as to answer with chinking & dobbing & covering with earth & ashes for the covering without plank, as it is Troublesom to Git any more than to cover our huts.    abt. noon a chief [2] came down from the villages.    his Squaw brought a back load of corn in ears for us.—

1. For the Mandan point-of-view of this meeting see Ronda (LCAI), 89–90. (back)
2. Black Cat, according to Clark. (back)