August 9, 1804
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Aug 30, 1803 Sep 30, 1806

August 9, 1804

Course distance & reffuren the 9th of August Thursday
N. 30° E   2 ½ ms. to the pt. of a Sand bar on the L. Side    Wind fair
N. 32 W.   1 me. to the pt. of High woods on the L. Side
N. 22° W.   2 ½ Ms. to a Pt. of high woods on S. S.—    a large Sand
bar makeing out from it
N. 15° W.   2 Ms. to a pt. of High land, L. S opsd. to which the
River latterly run, & a Circut of 5 Leagues has been
cut off.    the old Channel is Ponds & Isds.
*N 15 W.   〈2 m. across a large Sand bar to a point of woods〉 on
Lard. Shore, this is opposite to the cut point.    6
leagues arround [1]
N. 46 W.   1 ½ m. to willow point on stard Side.
N. 35° W   2 m. S S.    the river now came gradually arround to
the E. of north no point apearing
N. 60° E.   2 ½ miles, to a willow point on Sard side—
N. 44 W.   3 ½ miles to point Stard. Shore
  17 ½ [2]  

9th Augt Thursday 1804 [3]    The fog of this morning detained us untill ½ passed 7 oClock at which time we left our moreing and proceeded on under a gentle Breeze from the S. E, I went on Shore    found the Land the Same as yesterday    Killed a Turkey and Camped on the L. S. [4]    great deel of Beaver Sign to day    one Beaver Cought    Musquetors worse this evening than ever I have Seen them.


The fog being thick detained us untile half pasd. 7 oClock at which time we Set out and proceeded on under Gentle Breeze from the S E    I walked on Shore, Saw an Elk, crossed a Istmust [isthmus] of ¾ of a mile to the river, [5] & returned to the boat    Camped on the L. S. above a Beaver Den.    Musqutors verry troubleson.

Course Distance & reffn Augt 9th
N. 30° E   2 ½ ms. to a Point of a Sand bar on the L. S.
N. 32° W.   1 ms. to a pt. of high wood on L. S.
N. 22 W.   2 ½ ms. to a pt. of high wood on the S. S.    a large Sand bar
from it
N. 15 W.   2 ms. to a pt. of high Land L. S. opsd. to which the river
latterly cut thro Saveing 6 Leagues S. S.
N. 46° W.   1 ½ ms. to a willow pt. on the S. S.
N. 35 W.   2 ms. to the S. S. the river comeing gradually arround to
the Rigt.
N. 60° E   2 ½ ms. to a willow pt. on the L. S.
N. 44 W.   3 ½ to a point on S. S.
  17 ½  

Thursday 9th [6]    a foggy morning, which detained us till past 7 oClock at which time we Set out under a gentle Breeze from S. E.    we passed Round Several points of high wood land    Capt. Clark & Sgt. Floyd went out hunting on S. S.    came 11 miles by 12 o.C. where the River had formerly Cut across a bend    Said to be 15 mes. Round & a very Short distance a cross where it had Broke through a narrow Stripe of woods on each side of the River, the old Channel in the above mentiond bend is ponds & Islands.    the hills are a Great distance from the River this Several days.    the land on the River is low chiefly covered with Cottenwood & Grape vines &.C.    the Grapes are verry pleanty on the River for this Several days. Capt. Clark killed a Turkey & Joined us towards evening.    we camped on S. S. of the River    The Musquetoes more troublesome than ever.—


Thursday augt the 9th    Set out at 7 oclocks a, m, 〈we could see about us the〉 after the fague was Gon which is verry thick in this Cuntrey    Capt. Clark and my Self went out on the South side    passed a verry Bad place in the River whare the water is verry Shellow    mad 17 miles    Campd. on the South Side at prarie


Thursday 9th.    The fog was so thick this morning, that we could not proceed before 7, when we went on under a gentle breeze, and having advanced eleven miles, came to a place where the river by cutting through a narrow neck of land, reduced the distance fifteen miles. Captain Clarke and one of the men went out to hunt and killed a small turkey. [7] We encamped on the south side, where we found the musquetoes very troublesome.


Thursday Augt 9th    the Morning was foggy    Cleard Up at 8 Oclock    the Wind blew south    had Good Sailing for better than 14 Miles—    Camped On the E. S.    Roaed & Saild 20 miles

Thursday August 9th    This morning we set out in a fog which cleared up at 8 oClock A. M.    the Wind blew from the South; we set sail & went 14 Miles, when the wind died away, we then took to our Oars and rowed.    in the evening we encamped on the North [8] side of the River having rowed & Sailed 20 Miles this day.—

1. This and the remaining courses and distances are in Lewis's hand. (back)
2. Below the course and distance table at the bottom of document 41 is a line in Clark's hand: "〈N. 60 W 1¾ to a pt of〉 Sand L. S;" apparently the first course of August 10. Also a column of figures: 2½, 3½, 5, subtotal 11, 1½, and a total of 12½. (back)
3. Biddle's notation at the top of the reverse of this sheet of the Field Notes (document 41) reads, "Aug 9th to 12." (back)
4. Because of shifts in the Missouri River, the campsite is now in Harrison County, Iowa, a mile or two south of present Onawa, on the west side of present Guard Lake, which seems to approximate the 1804 course of the river as shown on Atlas map 15. Warren map 7; MRC map 26; MRR map 72. (back)
5. See Atlas map 15. (back)
6. What is apparently a pointing hand precedes this entry. (back)
7. Wild turkey, Meleagris gallopavo. (back)
8. "North" is again written over "South." (back)