November 16, 1804
39.45% Complete
Aug 30, 1803 Sep 30, 1806

November 16, 1804


a verry white frost    all the trees all Covered with ice, Cloudy, all the men move into the huts which is not finishd    Several Indians Come to Camp to day, The Ossiniboins is at the Big bellie Camp, Some trouble like to take place between them from the loss of horses &c. as is Said by an old Indian who visited us with 4 buffalow robes & Corn to trade for a pistol which we did not let him have, men imployed untill late in dobing their huts, [1] Some horses Sent down to Stay in the woods near the fort, to prevent the Ossniboins Steeling them


Friday 16th Nov.    a cold frosty night.    the Trees were covered with frost which was verry course white & thick even on the Bows of the trees all this day. Such a frost I never Saw in the States.    we continued building.    raised a provision & Smoak house 24 feet by 14 f.    the air verry thick with fogg from the R.

1. Daubing, that is, coating the walls with clay to close the chinks between the logs. (back)