October 4, 1805
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Aug 30, 1803 Sep 30, 1806

October 4, 1805


This morning is a little cool wind from the East.    displeased an Indian by refuseing to let him have a pice of Tobacco.    thre Inds. from the S. fork visit us    Frasur and Guterich return from the village with fish roots &c. which they purchased.


a Cool wind from off the Eastern mountains    I displeased an Indian by refuseing him a pice of Tobacco which he tooke the liberty to take out of our Sack    Three Indians visit us from the Grat River South of us. The two men Frasure and Guterich return late from the Vllage with Fish roots &c. which they purchased    as our horse is eaten we have nothing to eate except dried fish & roots which disagree with us verry much. The after part of this day verry warm. Capt Lewis Still Sick but able to walk about a little.


Friday 4th Oct. 1805.    a fair morning.    two men out to hunt    Some of the canoes ready to dress out. Some of the party bought a fat dog.    the hunters killed nothing this day.—


Friday 4th Oct. 1805.    a fair morning.    two men out a hunting.    we continue at the Canoes    Some of them ready to dress and finish off.    our hunters killed nothing this day.    Some of the men eat a fat dog.—

Friday October 4th    A fair morning, Two of our hunters were sent out a hunting, the party continued working on the Canoes; some of them are ready to be finished off.    Our hunters went out this day & returned without having killed any thing.—    Some of our party killed a fat dog, which they had got from the Indians at the last Village that we passed through.    They roasted & eat it in the Evining—