January 14, 1806
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Aug 30, 1803 Sep 30, 1806

January 14, 1806


This morning the Sergt. of the Guard reported the absence of one of the large perogues, it had broken the chord by which it was attatched and the tide had taken it off; we sent a party immediately in surch of her, they returned in about 3 hours having fortunately found her.    we now directed three of the perogues to be drawn up out of reach of the tide and the fourth to be mored in the small branch just above the landing and confined with a strong rope of Elk-skin.    had we lost this perogue also we should have been obliged to make three small ones, which with the few tools we have now left would be a serious undertaking.    a fatieuge of 6 men employed injerking the Elk beaf.

From the best estimate we were enabled to make as we dscended the Columbia was conceived that the natives inhabiting that noble stream, for some miles above the great falls to the grand rappids inclusive annually prepare about 30,000 lbs. of pounded sammon for market.    but whether this fish is an article of comerce with the whites or is exclusively sold to and consumed by the natives of the sea Coast, we are at a loss to determine.    the first of those positions I am disposed to credit most, but, still I must confess that I cannot imagine what the white merchant's object can be in purchasing this fish, or wher they dispose of it.    and on the other hand the Indians in this neighbourhood as well as the Skillutes have an abundance of dryed sammon which they take in the creeks and inlets, and I have never seen any of this pounded fish in their lodges, which I pesume would have been the case if they purchase this pounded fish for their own consumption.    the Indians who prepared this dryed and pounded fish, informed us that it was to trade with the whites, and shewed us many articles of European manufacture which they obtained for it.    it is true they obtain those articles principally for their fish but they trade with the Skillutes for them and not immediately with the whites; the intermediates merchants and carryers, the Skillutes, may possibly consume a part of this fish themselves and dispose of the ballance of it the natives of the sea coast, and from them obtain such articles as they again trade with the whites. [1]


This morning the Serjt. of the guard reported the absence of one of our Canoes    it had broken the Cord by which it was attached and the tide had taken her off; we Sent a party imediately in Serch of her, they returned in about 3 hours haveing fortunately found her.    we now derect that 3 of the [canoes] be drawed up out of reach of the tide and the 4th to be tied with a long Strong Cord of Elk Skins, ready for use.    had we lost this large Canoe we Should have been obliged to make 3 other Small ones, which with the fiew tools we have now left would be a Serious undertakeing.    a fatiege of Six men employd in jurking the Elk beef. From the best estermate we were enabled to make as we decended the Columbia we Conceived that the natives inhabiting that noble Stream (from the enterance of Lewis's river to the neighbourhood of the falls the nativs Consume all the fish they Catch either for food or fuel)    From Tow ar ne hi ooks [2] River or a fiew mils above the Great falls to the grand rapids inclusive anually prepare about 30,000 lbs of pounded fish (Chiefly Salmon) for market, but whether this fish is an article of Commerce with their neighbours or is exclusively Sold to, and Consumed by the nativs of the Sea coast, we are at a loss to determine    the latter of those positions I am dispose to credit most, as I cannot imagine what the white merchents objet Could be in purchaseing fish, or where they Could dispose of it. on the other hand the Indians in this neighbourhood as well as the Skillutes and those above have an abundance of Dryed Salmon which they take in the Creeks and inlets.    they are excessively fond of the pounded fish haveing frequently asked us for Some of it—.    the Indians who prepared this pounded fish made Signs that they traded it with people below them for Beeds and trinkets &c and Showed us maney articles of European manufacture which they obtained for it; The Skillutes and Indians about the great rapids are the intermediate merchants and Carryers, and no doubt Consume a part of this fish themselves and dispose of the ballance of it to the natives of the Sea coast, and from this obtain Such articles as they again trade with the whites.

The persons who usially visit the enterence of this river for the purpose of traffic or hunting, I believe is either English or Americans; the Indians inform us that they Speak the Same language with our Selves, and gave us proofs of their varacity by repeating maney words of English, Sun of a pitch &c. [NB: heave the lead [3] & maney blackguard phrases] whether those traders are from Nootka Sound, from Some other late establishment on this Coast, or imediately from the U States or Great Britain, I am at a loss to determine, nor Can the Indians inform us.    the Indians whome I have asked in what direction the traders go when they depart from hence, allways point to the S. W. from which it is prosumeable that Nootka cannot be their distination, and from Indian information a majority of those traders annually visit them about the beginning of April and remain Some time and either remain or revisit them in the fall of which I cannot properly understand, from this Circumstance they Cannot Come directly from the U States or Great Brittain, the distance being to great for them to go and return in the ballance of a year. I am Sometimes induced to believe that there is Some other Establishment on the Coast of America South of this place of which little is but yet known to the world, or it may be perhaps on Some Island in the Pacific Ocian between the Continant of America & Asia to the S. W. of us. This traffic on the part of the whites Consist in vending, guns, principally old British or American Musquets, powder, balls and Shote, 〈Copper and brass Kettles,〉 brass tea kettles, Blankets from two to three points, Scarlet and blue Cloth (Coarse), plates and Strips of Sheet Copper and brass, large brass wire Knives Beeds & Tobacco with fishing hooks, buttons and Some other Small articles; also a considerable quantity of Salors Clothes, as hats, Coats, Trouses and Shirts.    for those they receive in return from the nativs Dressed and undresed Elk Skins, Skins of the Sea otter, Common Otter, beaver, common fox, 〈Speck, and〉 [NB: Spotted or] tiger Cat, also Some Salmon dried or pounded and a kind of buisket, [NB: the native dispose of some of these biscuits    not a great article of trade] which the nativs make of roots called by them Shappelell. The nativs are extra-vigantly fond of the most Common Cheap Blue and white beeds, of moderate Size, or Such that from 50 to 70 will way one pennyweight, the blue is usially prefured to the white; those beeds Constitute the principal Circulating medium with all the Indian tribes on this river; for those beeds they will dispose of any article they possess—.    the beeds are Strung on Strans of a fathom in length & in that manner Sold by the breth [NB: arms length or double arms length] or yard—.


Tuesday 14th    the tide water took away one of our canoes but we Soon found it again.


Tuesday 14th.    The morning was pleasant; and two men were sent to the salt works to assist in making salt. The rest of our people were employed in drying and taking care of the meat; and in dressing elk skins for mokasins, which is a laborious business, but we have no alternative in this part of the country. [4]


Tuesday Janry 14th    A fine pleasant morning.    One of our Canoes got loose from the landing last night, but we found her this morning up a Creek, where the Tide water had taken her.    Six of our Men are employed in Jerking Meat the remainder dressing Skins &ca.

1. Under this date Biddle has additional information on trade with Americans, probably from conversations with Clark in 1810. Biddle Notes [ca. April 1810], Jackson, (LLC), 2:541. (back)
2. The term appears to have been placed into a previously blank space. (back)
3. To throw a weighted line from a ship to determine the water's depth. (back)
4. Gass means that the Indians of this region did not make moccasins, forcing the party to make their own. (back)