Search : air-gun
Sub Category : Journal Entries
People : Cameahwait
Place : Salmon (Lewis's, Main Fork Lewis's, Southeast Fork of Columbia, West Fork Lewis's) River
State : ID
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Your search returned 3 results from journals Search All Items

August 22, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • , and accorgingly walked to catch his horse at some little distance and neglected to take up his gun which, he left
  • , the young man took the gun and the whole of them left their baggage and laid whip to their horses directing
  • their course to the pass of the mountains.    finding himself deprived of his gun he immediately mounted his
  • August 22, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
August 24, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • as a warrior which was Too-et'-te-con'-e (Cameahwait) or black gun.    these people have many names
  • . The few guns which the Shoshones (Shoshone Indians) have are reserved for war almost exclusively
  • August 24, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
August 20, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • men to make, and directed the centinel to discharge his gun if he pereceived any of the Indians going
  • August 20, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether