Search : air-gun
Sub Category : Journal Entries
People : Lewis, Meriwether
Place : Camp Fortunate (Mont.)
Publisher : University of Nebraska Press
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Your search returned 2 results from journals Search All Items

August 17, 1805 - Ordway, John
  • blankets or Robes, over us.    a little white frost.    the air chilley & cold.    we took an eairly
  • and in tollarable order, but they are verry poor    nothing to be Seen amongst them but thier horses & 2 or 3 guns
  • August 17, 1805
  • Journals
  • Ordway, John
July 1, 1806 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • our hunters.    set Sheilds (Shields, John) at work to repair some of our guns which were out
  • in this vally.— Windsor (Windsor, Richard) birst his gun near the muzzle
  • and shot his gun several times; he shoots very well for an inexperienced person
  • July 1, 1806
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether