September 3, 1804
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Aug 30, 1803 Sep 30, 1806

September 3, 1804


3rd September Monday 1804. Set out at Sun rise, verry Cold morning clear and but little wind from the N W.    we proceeded on, the river wide, took an obsivation below Plumb Creek [2] which mouths on the S S.    this Creek is Small & coms in between 2 white banks, Great quantities of Plumbs of a most delisious flavour, I have collected the Seed of 3 Kinds which I intend to Send to my brother, also Som grapes of a Superior quallity large & well flavoured, the river is riseing a little, Several wild Goats [3] Seen in the Plains they are wild & fleet Elk & Buffalow is verry plenty, Scercely any timber in Countrey except a little on the river in the Points. Saw Some Signs of the 2 men who are a head, Colter has not over taken Shannon    Camped on the L. S. at the edge of a Plain— [4]

Course Distance and reffurences 3rd (Aug) Septr.
West     ½ mile on the Point on the L. S.    a Bluff of yellow Clay opsd.
S. 35° W.   3 me. to the upper pt. of Some wood at the foot of the high
land in a bend on the L. S.    passed a large Sand bar 400
yds. wide on L. S. & a pt. and Sand bar makeing out from
the S. S.—
West   5 ½ mes. passed a pt & a deep bend on the S. S. and a large
Sand bar from the L. S    to an object in the bend to L. S.
near the Hill
S. 45 W.   1 me. on the S. S. to the mouth of Plumb Creek passing
under a white bank resembling Chalk, a Sand bar on L. S.
South   5 miles to a pt. on the S. S. passing a pt. on the L. S. & a
Sand L. S. but little timber in this countrey—    the hills on
the S S. high at the end of this course

a verry Cold morning wind from N. W. we Set out at Sun rise, & proceeded on to a Bluff below the mouth of Plumb 12 yds. Creek on the S. S. and took an obsevation of the Suns Altitude

This Creek is Small    it "abounds with blumbs of a Delicious flavour" the River is wide and Crouded with Sand bars—    it is riseing a little    but little timber in this Countrey    all that is, is on the river in the points.    we Came too on the L. S in the edge of a Plain an Camped for the night—    we Saw Some Signs of the two men Shannon & Colter, Shannon appeared to be a head of Colter—    The White banks appear to Continu on both sides of the river.    Grapes plenty and finely flavered—

Course Dists. & refrs 3rd Septr.
West     ½ me. on the L. S. opsd. a Bluff
S. 35 W.   3 mes. to the upper point of Some wood at the foot of the
high land on the L. S. in a bend of the river pass a large
Sand bar 400 yds. wide on the L. S and a pt. & Sand bar
from the L S.
West   5 ½ mes. to a objt. in a Deep bend to the S. S    passed. a pt. S. S.
and a large Sand bar on the L. S. +
S. 45 W.   1 me. to the mouth of Plumb Cr. on the S. S.    psd. undr.
white bank
South   5 mes. to a pt. on the S. S.    passd. Several Sand bars & two
pts. on the L. S.

Monday 3rd Sept 1804.    a Cool & pleasant morning    we Set off at Sun rise, the wind blew from the west, passed yallow Bluff, Some Stone under the bank near the water.    passed round a large sand point N. Side, the Timber Scarce on both Sides of the River.—    N.B. a great many Beaver Sign & Cabbins on the river today. We proceeded on    a Swift current    passed a white Chalk Bluff close above we passed plumb Creek on N. S. which formed a vallie between or in the bluff, we Camped on S.S. in a Grove of cottonwood Timber,


Monday 3rd.    We set out early, and had a clear day; passed yellow bluffs on the north side, and a small creek, called Plumb creek. Here the river turns at right angles to the left, till it reaches the hills on the south side, then winds gradually to the right. There is no timber in this part of the country; but continued prairie on both sides of the river. A person by going on one of the hills may have a view as far as the eye can reach without any obstruction, or intervening object; and enjoy the most delightful prospects. During this day's voyage we found the hills on the opposite sides of the river generally not more than two miles apart, and the river meandering through them in various directions. We encamped on the south side.


Monday 3rd Sept. [5]    cool and pleasant this morning; we Set off at Sun rise    passed yallow Bluff & many beaver Signs    we passed a Chalk Bluff    we passed plumb Creek on the N. S.    Camped on the S. S.

Monday September 3rd    We this morning took a new Mast on board, which some of the hands had made the preceding day, and set out at Sun rise, and passed by a Yellow bluff, where was a great many signs of beaver, We also passed by a Chalk bluff, laying on the North side of the River; and in the Evening we encamped on the South side of the River.—

1. Biddle added "& 7" after the date to indicate that this sheet of the Field Notes (reverse of document 51) carries entries through September 7. (back)
2. Probably later Emanuel Creek, in Bon Homme County, South Dakota. Atlas maps 7, 19; Nicollet (MMR), 401; MRC map 31. (back)
3. The first reference in the journals to the pronghorn, Antilocapra americana, described more fully on September 14. Cutright (LCPN), 81. (back)
4. In Knox County, Nebraska, probably near the western boundary of the present Santee Sioux Indian Reservation. Atlas maps 18, 19; MRC map 31. (back)
5. Several pages have been removed at the point where this entry crosses two pages. No break in the writing is apparent. (back)