September 1, 1805
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Aug 30, 1803 Sep 30, 1806

September 1, 1805


a fine morning    Set out early and proceeded on over high ruged hills passing the heads of the Small runs which fall into the river on our left to a large Creek which falls into the river 6 miles to our left and encamped in the bottom, [1] Some rain to day at 12 and in the evening which obliges us to Continu all night    despatched 2 men to the mouth of the Creek to purchase fish of the Indians at that place, They returned with Some dried, we giged 4 Sammon & killed one Deer to Day.    the Countrey which we passed to day is well watered & broken Pore Stoney hilly country except the bottoms of the Creek which is narrow, all the Indians leave us except our Guide, one man Shot two bear this evining unfortunately we Could git neither of them


Sunday 1st September 1805. Cloudy.    we Set out at Sun rise and proceeded on up a high mountain    at the first pich one of the horses fell backward and roled over, but did not hurt him much.    we proceeded on up and down the high mountains    Crossed Several Creeks the water of which was verry cold.    considerable of pine and cotton timber along each of those branches, and pleanty of Servis berrys which are verry Sweet and good at this time.    in the afternoon we had Several Shower of rain and a little hail.    we descended a mountain down in to a valley through which runs a large Creek [2]    we went on a Short distance up the valley and Camped at Some old Lodges.    we giged Several Sammon in this Creek.    three men went down to the mouth of the creek and bought about 25 pounds of dryed Sammon and Sammon rose [3] with a fiew Small articles.    our hunters killed a Deer and wounded 2 bear at dusk.    we Came 23 miles this day.    we find abundance of wild or choke Cherries which are now ripe in this bottom    we gethered and boiled Some which eat verry well. Several Small Showers of rain this evening.—


Sunday 1st Sept. 1805.    We set out early in a fine morning, and travelled on nearly a west course. We found here the greatest quantity and best service berries, I had ever seen before; and abundance of choak-cherries. There is also a small bush grows in this part of the country, about 6 inches high, which bears a bunch of small purple berries. Some call it mountain holly; [4] the fruit is of an acid taste. We are much better supplied with water than I expected; and cross several fine springs among the mountains through which we pass. At noon some rain fell, and the day continued cloudy. About the middle of the day Capt. Clarke's blackman's feet became so sore that he had to ride on horseback. At 3 o'clock we came to a creek, [5] where there was fine grass and we halted to let our horses eat. There are a great number of fish in this creek. After we halted the weather became cloudy, and a considerable quantity of rain fell. We therefore concluded to remain where we were all night, having come this day 18 miles. Our hunters killed a deer, and we caught 5 fish.


Sunday 1st Sept. 1805. [6]    a fine morning    we Set out as usal and proceeded on over verry high mountains which was verry bad for our horses to climb up and down them.    passed across Several large creeks the water of which is verry cold.    considerable of pine & cotton timber on each of those creeks.    we find a great pleanty of Servis berrys which are verry Sweet and good at this time.    in the afternoon we descended a Mountain nearly as Steep as the roof of a house.    went down in to the valley in which runs through a large Creek.    passed by a plain near the Creek a Short distance.    Camped after coming 23 miles this day & Camped a little before night on account of its raining.    Some of the men giged Several Sammon in the creek.    three men went down to the Mo. of it to purchase Some Sammon from a camp of Indians who Stay at the mo. of the Creek to fish.    they bought about 25 pound with a fiew Small articles.    the hunters killed a Deer and wounded two bear at dark but could not get them.    the wild or choke cherrys abound in this bottom.    we gethered and boiled Some which eat verry well.    a nomber of Indian lodges along the creek.    we had 2 at camp to Sleep in.    Several Small Showers of rain this day & a little Small hail

Sunday September 1st    A fine clear morning, we set out as usual & proceeded on over very high mountains, which were bad for our horses, to climb up & down them; We passed across several large Creeks, the water of which was very Cold, with considerable quantities of Pine & Cotton timber growing on each side of them, & plenty of sweet service berries which was very welcome to us at this time.—    In the afternoon, we assended a mountain nearly as steep as the roof of a house, and went down, into a Valley which had a large Creek running through it,—    and a fine plain a short distance from this Creek, We encamped after having come about 23 Miles this day.—    We stopped about 3 hours before night, on account of it raining, some of our party gigged several Salmon in the Creek & three of our men also went down to the Creek in order to purchase some Salmon from a band of Indians, who stay as we were informed at the mouth of the Creek fishing—    They bought about 25 lbs. weight for some very trifling articles:    the hunters killed a Deer & wounded two bears this evening, but did not get them.—    The wild or choke Cherries were very plenty in this bottom, we gather'd some, which we boil'd & they eat very well—    There was number of Indian lodges of the Snake Indians lying along this Creek, & we had 2 of their Camping lodges to sleep in—    during this afternoon we had several small Showers of rain.—

1. They traveled across country to the North Fork Salmon River (Fish Creek on Atlas map 67) and camped a few miles south of Gibbonsville, Lemhi County, Idaho, in the neighborhood of the mouth of Hull Creek on the opposite side of the North Fork. Peebles (RW), 15–16, and fig. 13; Majors (LCRM), 95 n. 41. (back)
3. Perhaps salmon roe. (back)
4. This may be creeping Oregon grape, Mahonia repens (Lindl.) G. Don. Gass is the only expedition journalist to mention this plant. (back)
5. North Fork Salmon River. They camped on the stream, a few miles south of Gibbonsville, Lemhi County, Idaho, near the mouth of Hull Creek. (back)
6. Here begins the first entry in the final section of Whitehouse's original journal. In this section the writing is across the page from side to side as in a conventional book, rather than from end to end as in the preceding sections. The first page, which includes this entry and part of the next, is very difficult to read due to fading. (back)