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Creator : Ordway, John
People : Drouillard, George
Source : The Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, Volume 8
Publisher : University of Nebraska Press
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Your search returned 9 results from all items Search Only Journals

  • August 1, 1806
  • Journals
  • Ordway, John
  • August 8, 1806
  • Journals
  • Ordway, John
  • July 19, 1806
  • Journals
  • Ordway, John
  • July 2, 1806
  • Journals
  • Ordway, John
  • June 13, 1806
  • Journals
  • Ordway, John
  • June 18, 1806
  • Journals
  • Ordway, John
  • June 23, 1806
  • Journals
  • Ordway, John
  • June 30, 1806
  • Journals
  • Ordway, John
  • September 11, 1806
  • Journals
  • Ordway, John