Search : air-gun
Sub Category : Journal Entries
People : Lewis, Meriwether
Place : Gallatin (South, Southeast Fork) River
Source : The Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, Volume 4
Publisher : University of Nebraska Press
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Your search returned 9 results from journals Search All Items

June 10, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • all our baggage and merchandize. Shields renewed the main Spring of my air gun    we have been much
  • June 10, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
June 9, 1805 - Clark, William
  • to burry the Stores, air out Cloathes &c. &c.    finish'd the cache or Seller &c.    the men all engaged
  • June 9, 1805
  • Journals
  • Clark, William
June 8, 1805 - Ordway, John
  • to hunt—    about 9 oClock A. M. cleared off pleasant.    the Indian goods &.C. put out to air.    we Saw
  • June 8, 1805
  • Journals
  • Ordway, John
June 8, 1805 - Clark, William
  • Severall men to hunt, aired and dried our Stores &c. The rivers at this point has fallen 6 Inches Sinc our
  • June 8, 1805
  • Journals
  • Clark, William
June 8, 1805 - Whitehouse, Joseph
  • to hunt.    about 9 oC. cleared off pleasant.    the Indian goods &c put out to air.    we Saw the high
  • to air, We saw on the Weather clearing away, a high mountain; lying to the West of us; which was covered
  • June 8, 1805
  • Journals
  • Whitehouse, Joseph
June 6, 1805 - Ordway, John
  • by an old hea bear & his gun missed fire and he was in danger of being killed by that venimous animel had
  • June 6, 1805
  • Journals
  • Ordway, John
June 4, 1805 - Clark, William
  • was nearly catching Joseph Fields (Field, Joseph) who could not fire, as his gun was wet
  • June 4, 1805
  • Journals
  • Clark, William
April 26, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • guns at the junction of the rivers, which announced to me the arrival of the paty with Capt Clark
  • April 26, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
June 3, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • a mountainous country.    the bed of the N. fork composed of some gravel but principally mud; in short the air
  • June 3, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether