June 8, 1804
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Aug 30, 1803 Sep 30, 1806

June 8, 1804


Set out at Daylight    proceeded on the Course of last night S 87° W 3 ms    passed a Willow Island, from the Point of last Course S 81° W. 3 ms. to a pt. on S. S: passd a [blank] Isd. in the middle of the river, passd a run [2] on the Ld S: above a pt. of rocks 3 ms. on which thir is a number of Deer Licks, N 88° W. 3 Ms. to a pt L S: N. 83° W 2 ms. to the Mo of Mine River, [3] psd an Isd.—    This river is 90 yards wide & navagable for Perogues about 90 Ms.    I went out on the L S. about 4 ms. below this R. and found the Countrey for one mile back good Land and well watered    the hills not high with a gentle assent from the river, well timbered with oake, walnit Hickory ash, &c.    the land Still further back becoms thin and open, with Black & rasp Berries, [4] and Still further back the Plains Commence, The french inform that Lead ore is found on this river in Several places, it heads up between the Osagees & Kansas River the right hand folk [fork] passes in a Short distance of the Missourie at the antient Little Ozages Village [5]    our hunter [6] Killed, 2 Deer, after Stayingd one hour at the mouth of this River, Cap Lewis went out & proceede on one Mile & came in, he fount the land in the point high and fine    Course N. 64° W 1 Ms. to a pt. on S. S.    N. 80° W to the Lower pot a Id. on L. S.    passed a 〈large〉 Small Isd. in the m: R. at (3 Ms.)    met 3 men on a Caussee from R Dis Soux, [7] above The Mahar [Omaha] Nation loaded with fur. 〈N 39 W 3½ Ms. to pt on S. S. opsd. a Prarie〉    Camped on the Lower point of an Id. L. S. called Rock Island the Mills, [8] here I found Kegs an Pummey [pumice] stone, and a place that fur or Skins had been burred [buried] by the hunters    our Hunters Killed 5 Deer, Some rain, the Countrey on the S. S. is Verry fine


Set out this morning at Daylight    proceeden on the Course of last night    Passed two willow Islands & a Small Creek above a Rock point on the L. S. at 6 miles on which there is a number of Deer Licks, passed the Mine River at 9 ms.    this river is about 70 yards wide at its mouth and is Said to be navagable for Perogues 80 or 90 ms.    the 〈main〉 [NB: West] [9] branch passes near the place where the Little osage Village formerly Stood on the Missouries, & heads between the Osarge & Kansias Rivers, the left hand fork [10] head with nearer Branches of the Osage River, The french inform that Lead Ore has been found in defferent parts of this river, I took Sjt. Floyd and went out 4 Ms. below this river, I found the land Verry good for a Mile or 1 ½ Ms. back and Sufficiently watered with Small Streams which lost themselves in the Missouries bottom, the Land rose gradeuelly from the river to the Summit of the high Countrey which is not more that 120 foot above High Water mark, we joined the Boat & Dined in the point above the mouth of this River, Capt. Lewis went out above the river & proceeded on one mile, finding the Countrey rich, the wedes & Vines So thick & high he came to the Boat—    proceeded on passed an Island 〈about〉 and Camped at the lower point of an Island on the L. S. Called the Island of mills [NB: mills] about 4 ms. above Mine River    at this place I found Kanteens, Axs, Pumey Stone & peltrey hid & buried (I suppose by some hunters) none of them (except the pumey Stone) was teched by one of our party, our hunters Killed 5 Deer to day, Commenced raining Soon after we Came too which prevented the party Cooking their provisions—    our Spies inform that the Countrey they passed thro: on S. S. is a fine high bottom, no water.

Course & Distance 8th June
S 81° W. 3 ms. to a pt. on S. S.    psd. Deer L. Creek L. S
N 88° W, 3 ms. to a pt. on L Side
N 83° W. 2 ms. to mouth of Mine Rivr. L. S.
N 64° W. 1 Ms. to a pt. on S. S.
N 80° W. 3 ms. to the Lower pt. of Isd. of Mills

This day we met 3 men on a Cajaux from the River of the Soux above the Mahar nation    those men had been hunting 12 mo: & made about 900$ in pelts. & furs    they were out of Provesions and out of Powder.    rained this night


Friday June 8th 1804.    we Set out at 4. OC.    proceeded on    passed a run on left Side above a point of rocks on 3 miles on which their is a nomber of Deer licks, 3 miles to the mo. of mine River, this River is navagable for Perogues—    we met 3 Frenchman in 2 canoes from R. des Soud above this Nation loaded with fur.    we encamped on the Lower point of an Island called mills Island.    our hunters killed 5 Deer.    Some rain    the Country on the right is verry fine—


Friday June 8th    Set out erley this morning    the day Clear wind from the west    Came 5 miles    past 2 Canoes Lasht to Gather Loaded with Bever Skins otter Skins from the Littel River [11]    mean thay ar 30 day coming from that place 5 miles past the mouth of the Big River mine    it is about 100 and 50 yardes wide a butifull 〈S〉 River on the South Side    the Land is Good first Rate Land well timberd    this River is navagbl for Som hundreds miles aperintley    water Strong    past Several Isd. Came 10 miles    ouer hunters Kild 5 Deer    encamped on 〈an〉 the Loer pint of an Isd and on the South Side of the River


Friday 8th.    We embarked and proceeded five miles, when we met four canoes loaded with fur and peltry: and passed the Mine river on the south side, which is 150 yards wide. The land here is also good and well timbered.


Friday 8th    Got on our way at the usal hour    had strong Watter to Goe throug    〈We had〉 the white pierogue had hard Crossing the River to bring the Meat from the hunters, Druyer Killd 5 deer before 12 Oclock.    met two Connooes loaded with furr from the Zotte River [12] neer the Mandens.    Got to the 〈imun〉 Amens River [13] at three Oclock but did not remain at it any times    Roed. 16 mile

Thursday June 8th    We started early this Morning, and found the current of the River very strong against us, we sent a Pettiauger to bring the bear meat to the boat, but the hands had very great difficulty in crossing the River to us.    The hunters being left, they proceeded a hunting; and one of them (G Drewer) killed five deer by 12 oClock A. M.    We proceeded on and met with Two canoes loaded with Furr, which had come from Oto River, near the Zotto [14] nation.    At 3oClock P. M. got to the River L'mine or lead River and remained there but a short time.    We proceeded on & encamped on the North side of the River Mesouri, the distance come this day being 16 Miles

1. These figures are beside the June 8 date: 3, 3, 2. Other figures here are crossways on this sheet of the Field Notes (document 19):
     3 ¼
   15 ½
   83 ¾
117 ¾
   17 ½
   12 ½
192 ¾
221 (back)
2. Perhaps Loupes Branch, at present Booneville, Cooper County, Missouri. MRC map 9. (back)
3. The Lamine River reaches the Missouri River in Cooper County. The name is thought to derive from the report in 1714 by Sieur de Bourgmont that the Indians mined leads on its banks. See fig. 14. Missouri Guide, 359; MRC map 9. (back)
4. Probably Rubus occidentalis L., black raspberry, one of the most common raspberries in Missouri. A number of other Rubus species, however, blackberry and raspberry, also occur along the Missouri River. Steyermark, 835–36. (back)
5. The fork is the Blackwater River, which meets the Lamine in northwest Cooper County. The Little Osage village on the Missouri River is identified as the Plattner site, which is about three miles northeast of the town of Malta Bend, in Saline County. It was occupied in the mid-eighteenth century. Chapman (AM), 6–38. (back)
6. Drouillard, according to Whitehouse. (back)
7. Probably the Big Sioux River, which forms the boundary between Iowa and South Dakota. (back)
8. Near the Saline-Cooper county line, probably east of the line and perhaps on the second of two islands later called Arrow Rock Island. MRC map 9. (back)
9. Biddle apparently crossed out "main" when he substituted "West." (back)
10. The Lamine River itself. (back)
11. The traders were apparently coming from the Big Sioux River, which forms a boundary between Iowa and South Dakota. (back)
12. Evidently No. 2's effort to write Rivière des Sioux, the present Big Sioux River on the IowaSouth Dakota border, which the other journal keepers indicate was the stream mentioned, although it was not near the Mandans. (back)
13. No. 2's attempt at Mine River, present Lamine River, Cooper County, Missouri. (back)
14. "Zotto" and "L'mine" in the next sentence are written over erasures. In the second instance apparently over the word "Amens," as in the original notebook. (back)