December 21, 1805
74.91% Complete
Aug 30, 1803 Sep 30, 1806

December 21, 1805


rain as usial last night and all day to day moderately.    we Continued at the Cabins dobbing & Shinking [1] of them, fall Several trees which would not Split into punchins—    the Indians were detected in Stealing a Spoon & a Bone, and left us, our Sackey Commy out    Send 2 men to gather Some at the ocian, Saw Elk Sign


rained as useal all the last night, and contd. moderately all day to day without any intermition, men employd at the houses.    one of the indians was detected Stealing a horn Spoon, and leave [NB: turned from] the Camp.    dispatched two men to the open lands near the Ocian for Sackacome, which we made use of to mix with our tobacco to Smoke which has an agreeable flavour.


Saturday 21st Decr. 1805. Still continues raining but we Still kept at work finishing our huts to make ourselves comfortable &C.—


Saturday Decemr 21st    A cloudy wet day as usual, but rather warm.    We are still employed in finishing our huts & picketting in the fort &ca

1. Either "chinking," filling up the chinks between the logs with mud or some other substance, or "shingling," as Thwaites (LC), 3:287, seems to think. See above, December 17, 1805. Criswell, 23. (back)