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Search : air-gun
Sub Category : Journal Entries
Part of Website : journal_entry
People : Drouillard, George
Place : Montana
Publisher : University of Nebraska Press
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Your search returned 30 results from journals Search All Items

August 7, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • composed of excellent turf.    my air gun was out of order and her sights had been removed by some accedent
  • August 7, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
August 11, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • for the road which if they found they were to notify me by placing a hat in the muzzle of their gun. I kept
  • ) , which is by holding the mantle or robe in your hands at two corners and then throwing up in the air
  • were now comiming in sight on either hand with an air of suspicions, I wold willingly have made them
  • August 11, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
August 6, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • canesters well secured with corks and wax.    in this country the air is so pure and dry that any vessel
  • the river and could find nothing of him.    we had the trumpet sounded and fired several guns but he did
  • August 6, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
June 10, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • all our baggage and merchandize. Shields renewed the main Spring of my air gun    we have been much
  • June 10, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
June 2, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • (Charbonneau, Toussaint) who fired his gun in the air as he ran but fortunately eluded the vigilence
  • June 2, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
July 28, 1806 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • a report which we took to be that of a gun but were not certain; still continuing down the N. E. bank
  • but little injury the parched meal was spoiled or nearly so.    having no time to air these things which
  • July 28, 1806
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
August 17, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • air-gun which was so perfectly incomprehensible that they immediately denominated it the great
  • August 17, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
July 27, 1806 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • his gun down behid him near where his brother was sleeping, one of the indians the fellow to whom I
  • had given the medal last evening sliped behind him and took his gun and that of his brothers
  • unperceived by him, at the same instant two others advanced and seized the guns of Drewyer (Drouillard, George
  • July 27, 1806
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
July 13, 1806 - Gass, Patrick
  • for the horses not being returned we remained here all day airing and sunning the baggage and stores
  • July 13, 1806
  • Journals
  • Gass, Patrick
June 4, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • or that which I take to be the male rises into the air about 60 feet and supporting itself in the air
  • in the air at a time in view, these larks as I shall call them add much to the gayety and cheerfullness
  • which blew hard from the N. W.    it rained this evening and wet us to the skin; the air was extremely
  • June 4, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
May 14, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • only, the men unable to reload their guns took to flight, the bear pursued and had very nearly
  • as they had an opportunity they struck him several times again but the guns served only to direct the bear
  • their guns and pouches and throw themselves into the river altho' the bank was nearly twenty feet
  • May 14, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
July 1, 1806 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • our hunters.    set Sheilds (Shields, John) at work to repair some of our guns which were out
  • in this vally.— Windsor (Windsor, Richard) birst his gun near the muzzle
  • and shot his gun several times; he shoots very well for an inexperienced person
  • July 1, 1806
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
August 16, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • gave the Chief my gun and told him that if his enimies were in those bushes before him that he could
  • defend himself with that gun, that for my own part I was not affraid to die and if I deceived him he
  • might make what uce of the gun he thought proper or in other words that he might shoot me.    the men
  • August 16, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
June 4, 1805 - Gass, Patrick
  • , before the rest of the party, was attacked by a huge he-bear, and his gun missed fire. We were about 200
  • June 4, 1805
  • Journals
  • Gass, Patrick
August 1, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • through the steep valleys exposed to the heat of the sun without shade and scarcely a breath of air
  • August 1, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
August 18, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • opened and aired.    and began the operation of forming the packages in proper parsels for the purpose
  • August 18, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
July 19, 1806 - Ordway, John
  • bear.    his horse threw him So near the bear that he had not time to Shoote but drew his gun
  • and Struck the bear across the head and broke off the brich of his gun and Stonded the bear So that he had
  • July 19, 1806
  • Journals
  • Ordway, John
August 1, 1806 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • it; it stood erect on it's hinder feet and looked at us with much apparent unconsern, we seized our guns which
  • August 1, 1806
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
July 10, 1806 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • to fire on the bear least their horses should throw them as they were unaccustomed to the gun.    we
  • July 10, 1806
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
June 4, 1805 - Clark, William
  • was nearly catching Joseph Fields (Field, Joseph) who could not fire, as his gun was wet
  • June 4, 1805
  • Journals
  • Clark, William
August 14, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • by telling them if they suffer them to have guns they will kill each other, thus leaving them defenceless
  • jaws grown meager for the want of food, would not be the case if we had guns, we could then live
  • with an abundance of guns and every other article necessary to their defence and comfort, and that they would
  • August 14, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
August 13, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • and a girl of about 12 years old remained. I instantly laid by my gun and advanced towards them
  • I advanced towards them with the flag leaving my gun with the party about 50 paces behid me
  • with whites, although they possessed trade goods, including a few guns, that had come to them from other
  • August 13, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
July 3, 1806 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • of the fires that I realy thought they would become frantic.    about an hour after dark the air become so
  • July 3, 1806
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
July 26, 1806 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • extremity prefering death to that of being deprived of my papers instruments and gun and desired
  • and traders' guns, by Lewis (Lewis, Meriwether) and Clark's (Clark, William) time they had become
  • July 26, 1806
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
August 24, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • as a warrior which was Too-et'-te-con'-e (Cameahwait) or black gun.    these people have many names
  • . The few guns which the Shoshones (Shoshone Indians) have are reserved for war almost exclusively
  • August 24, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
August 1, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • a breath of air: to add to my fatiegue in this walk of about 11 miles, I had taken a doze of glauber salts
  • August 1, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
April 26, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • guns at the junction of the rivers, which announced to me the arrival of the paty with Capt Clark
  • April 26, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
August 20, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • men to make, and directed the centinel to discharge his gun if he pereceived any of the Indians going
  • August 20, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
June 3, 1805 - Lewis, Meriwether
  • a mountainous country.    the bed of the N. fork composed of some gravel but principally mud; in short the air
  • June 3, 1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether
  • Winter 1804-1805
  • Journals
  • Lewis, Meriwether